This is an outfit that you must have. Most of you already have it, but if you do not have it then you have to get it now. This is a basik look that you can have wherever you go. It works both on work, parties, when you are out on town and so on. You understand what I mean. This is an outfit that you throw on when you want to look trendy but classic, or when you have no idea what to wear. You absolutely can not do anything wrong with this outfit and you can have it as many times as you wish and it will still look great every time. I call it trendy basik outfit, I have it in my closet and it works just as well every time. Throw on a pair of pumps and some accessory. NO BIG EARRINGS! No, absolutely forbidden. You can choose between small earrings and a large clock or a large necklace and a smal bracelet. And you get to throw on a pair of nice pumps and a handbag. I promise you that you will look very flashy. Try it and see!
Fynda just nu denna outfiten på H&M för endast 277 SEK!!! Se nedan!
Endast 29kr/st på dessa två underbara linnen som funkar perfekt till den outfiten. Välj den som är mest din stil.
Enast 99kr/st på dessa två underbara byxor, som även funkar perfekt för den outfiten. Välj de du tycker ser bäst ut på dig.
Här är tre olika modeller på kavajer för endast 149kr. Själv föredrar jag den långa men dem korta funkar hur bra som helst också. Grått eller svart är det som gäller!